Influences from various directions

According to the Southern Entrance Theory, good influences come from the east, and bad influences come from the south. One would think that logically, the opposite of east (west) would be the worst, and the opposite of south (north) would be the best.

Aside from that discrepancy, there is much historical evidence to the contrary:

Good influences that come from the South

  • Southern Hospitality
  • Warm breezes
  • Southern Belles
  • Major businesses are relocating in the south
  • Our Latin American citizens
  • Maharishi started the TM Movement in Madras in southern India
  • Sun tans
  • The Sun
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits
  • New Orleans jazz
  • Country music
  • The Maharishi Vedic Observatory is designed to be viewed from the south, and therefore has a southern entrance.

    Questionable influences that come from the East

  • Hitler's Germany invading France
  • Hitler's rockets and bombs that fell on on Britain
  • The American atomic bomb flights - from the east to the Japanese
  • Until the fall of the Berlin Wall, East Berlin, and East Germany
  • Hurricanes off the coast of Florida
  • Christopher Columbus, General Custer, and the white man (if you are a native American Indian)
  • East Pakistan and Bangladesh, to India
  • The Middle East - often in the middle of conflict
    If "inauspicious influences" travel only from the south, then even if their average velocity is only a few meters per day, they would eventually accumulate around the North Pole and have no where else to go. This is unfortunate for Santa and his elves, and the North Pole Police Department. So, as long as we stay away from the north pole, we should be in good shape.

    Southern Entrance Research Foundation